πŸ”“Harvest Lock

Patience is a virtue

The SuperCake Pools have a Harvest Lockup on Rewards. Which means that no reward can be harvested during the lock time.

Don't forget that some SuperPowers can help you reduce the Harvest lockup time.

Which one of our SuperCake NFTs will help you optimize to the fullest your Yield Farming experience ? You can check here.

Lockup applies only on harvests. The liquidity provided on SuperCake's pools can be withdrawn at any moment.

Below you can see the time of Harvest Lockup depending on the different Pools :

Farming pools

  • NATIVE FARMING POOLS : Reward locked for 2h.

  • NON NATIVE FARMING POOLS : Reward locked for 6H (withdraw fees if withdrawal is before 24H).

  • BUSD & BNB STAKING POOLS : Reward locked for 8H.

Native farming pools

Rewards are locked in native farming pool for 72H. Also, if the user unstakes before 72H, the withdraw will have 5% fees and no reward are minted.

Last updated